新闻 > 重点新闻 > 德拉诺之王最终BOSS终于确定 来自地狱的咆哮

德拉诺之王最终BOSS终于确定 来自地狱的咆哮

发布时间:15-03-21 10:16 来源:新浪 作者:


TC: That's funny, I've been saying Grommash is going to be the end boss since BlizzCon. They don't believe us. Every fight is a very different fight. It has its own character。

I think that the Grommash fight—when players get to it—they'll realize it's a completely different fight than what the Garrosh fight was in Siege of Orgrimmar。

So I think it will still be very fun for players to do. There are definitely going to be more than just orcs in the raids themselves。

So, for example, there's going to be a pretty heavy Legion influence in that raid that has Grommash Hellscream. But, you'll have to wait to see more. (Gamescom2014)




Originally Posted by Ion Hazzikostas

Grom is the final boss of WoD? Please don't let this be true. SOO 2.0


There's a lot of ground and a lot of story to cover before the book closes on Warlords. Trust me, it won't feel like SoO 2.0. (WatcherDev)


Originally Posted by Tom Chilton

There seems to be a lot of people that have an issue with Garosh's father being the last boss in WOD. Is he definatelu the last boss or may there be a surprise for people? Oh great job by the way. Enjoying the xpac so far。


There will be a surprise, and we're looking forward to players hearing more sometime "soon"!


2014.12.5 dev ama

Originally Posted by Jeremy Feasel

JF: Re: The Legendary Stuff - Looking back on all of those "Grom will be the final boss!" tweets fondly :)


@Muffinus and who said he isn't? He is still alive. Has it been officially announced that he isn't?


JF: @RichardkurnieJ Nope! He still might be! I'm just enjoying all of the new speculation posts :D



请注意回答问题的人的级别,每次Tom Chilton都是特别肯定的说老吼就是最终boss。


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