
时间:09-12-05 来源:52pk整理 作者: 编辑: 发表评论 [进入论坛] [打折点卡购买]

美丽的SHOW GIRL们绝对是本次网博会的最大亮点,而世纪天成更是将“美丽”一词丰富诠释。当这些美貌与气质并重的SHOW GIRL一出现,就会引发玩家的竞相拍照,此时此刻,她们就是真正的明星!美眸如水,抑或是魅惑性感?可爱萌动,又或者是御姐当道?让我们用图片证明美之境界吧!

美人当前,你又怎能坐视不理?世纪天成率领美之境界,让佳丽领军潮流,让SHOW GIRL秒杀菲林!精彩网博,美丽网博!一切美好,尽在北京展览馆11-1世纪天成展台!

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2012-07-19 10:41:3552pk网友 说:

Thinking like that is really aamizng
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2012-07-17 16:38:5852pk网友 说:

That\'s a serhwd answer to a tricky question
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2012-03-16 17:11:5852pk网友 说:

The abiitly to think like that is always a joy to behold
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2012-03-16 10:18:5052pk网友 说:

I rekocn you are quite dead on with that.
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2011-10-27 10:23:1552pk网友 说:

You are so aewosme for helping me solve this mystery.
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2011-10-27 08:27:2552pk网友 说:

You\'ve hit the ball out the park! Inecrdbile!
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2011-10-27 08:19:0152pk网友 说:

How neat! Is it really this spmile? You make it look easy.
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2011-10-24 22:29:5652pk网友 说:

I can arelday tell that\'s gonna be super helpful.
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2011-10-24 20:08:3052pk网友 说:

I really wish there were more atrilces like this on the web.
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2011-10-24 18:49:3052pk网友 说:

People nroamlly pay me for this and you are giving it away!
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