新闻 > 玩家普文 > G胖儿子接受V社采访 爆G胖只玩dota2 V社员工可获所有游戏

G胖儿子接受V社采访 爆G胖只玩dota2 V社员工可获所有游戏

发布时间:18-02-01 09:28 来源:52PK整理 作者:52PK整理

 近日,G胖的儿子Gray Newell接受V社新闻网采访,爆料有关父亲和V社的许多新闻。以下是G胖儿子接受采访的摘录片段。

-Fury will be on Steam


-Gabe met Satoru Iwata for a Valve/Nintendo partnership around the Wii era that fell through.


-Gray and Gabe have breakfasts at Ihop where they talk science, Gabe gets chicken noodle soup.

Gray和G胖的早餐时光一般是在IHOP(international house of pancake国际煎饼屋 一个美式早餐(吧..)连锁)一起聊一些科学话题;G胖会点鸡肉面汤(如图)

G胖儿子接受V社采访 爆G胖只玩dota2 V社员工可获所有游戏

-Gray played Super Mario Galaxy with Shigeru Miyamoto in Japan.


-Gabe only plays Dota 2, only against bots (also Gabe himself has said he plays multiplayer with people)

G胖其实只打dota2,而且只打人机(以及提到了G胖自己号称也会和 人类 打路人局)

-Gray uses the Steam Metro skin, thinks the default is awful and has tried to get Valve to improve it for two years

Gray使用 Steam Metro皮肤插件,认为Steam默认皮肤很烂,以及在过去两年一直希望V社能好好搞一下这方面。

-All Valve employees, family and friends can get all Steam games for free


-Bill Gates had dinner with the Newells once


G胖儿子接受V社采访 爆G胖只玩dota2 V社员工可获所有游戏

-Gray said the problem with Valve's structure is "no one knows anything". He had an anecdote, he went to Valve once and asked devs about Source 2, devs kept saying "talk to this guy" until they went in circles.

Gray说V社的问题在于它的(扁平化<-译者加的)结构导致“没有人知道任何事情”,他曾经向V社询问有关Source 2引擎的一些事,但是所有工作人员都告诉他“去问问那个人”直到他问回他问的第一个人。

-Skrillex went to Valve and was very excited, and Grey met Deadmau5 at one of the Internationals

Skrillex曾经去过V社而且很兴奋;Gray则在TI场合见过Deadmaus(应该是TI5?貌似 就是死老鼠电音包那年)

-Gray expects HL3 to be brought up when talking to new people


-Valve does take internships, but rarely (a member of Grey's team, a TF2 contributor named Ben. interned at Valve)


-Gray doesn't keep up with the Gaben memes


G胖儿子接受V社采访 爆G胖只玩dota2 V社员工可获所有游戏

-Gray played Dota 2 for 2000 hours, but quit because it made him want to die

Gray玩了2000小时的dota2,之后没玩了 因为游戏体验让他想死。

-Gray met Paul McCartney at a party

Gray曾经在一个派对上见过Sir Paul mccartney。(披头士成员)

-Gray's lead programmer collects every mountain dew can he drinks


-Gray was asked who the nicest Valve dev was, he said he liked Zoid, but didn't know he left Valve


(Zoid在V社从2008年一直干到2018年,参与制作了Dota2, L4d等等, 之前Q3的夺旗模式也是这个人发明设计的。)

-Gray has played a lot of Valve prototypes, but not F-Stop

Gray 曾经玩过很多V社的游戏试玩原型,但其中不包含——“哦 停!”

TAG标签: 任天堂 steam G胖

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