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52PK专访渡口网络副总裁Steve Gray先生

时间:08-08-18 08:06  来源:52pk整理 作者:迟有雷 编辑:52PK 我要评论 相关内容

渡口网络一直致力于民族游戏事业的发展——面向全国市场,倾力打造能与世界级产品媲美的精品网络游戏;为广大游戏玩家提供高品质的网络娱乐产品和服务。世界顶级制作人Steve Gray的加盟,更是这一目标的充分表达。

渡口网络一直致力于民族游戏事业的发展——面向全国市场,倾力打造能与世界级产品媲美的精品网络游戏;为广大游戏玩家提供高品质的网络娱乐产品和服务。随着世界顶级制作人Steve Gray的加盟,更是为这一目标的实现注入了雄厚的实力。

Steve Gray先生世界顶级制作人之一,他曾担任《指环王》( 客户端下载)系列游戏等的创意工作,也是百威“蚂蚁”系列广告的制作人,是数字娱乐技术领域的尖端领袖。这样一位大师在加盟渡口后有着怎样的计划和动作呢?52PK记者很有幸对Steve Gray先生做了一次独家专访,让大家更加了解这位大师。

Steve Gray先生


Gray先生:I think that there are things about how to affect people's emotions with images that I learned working on film and TV that helps me design games. I also think there are things about the process of creating new entertainment that I learned working on film and TV that helps me with games too.



Gray先生:I want to clear up some things, just to make sure the correct people get credit for these projects:


The Director of Parasite Eve, Hinorobu Sakaguchi was the Executive Producer

Hinorobu Sakaguchi,寄生前夜的总监,才是执行制作人。

I was the Vice President of Game Production at Square Los Angeles, when we worked on Final Fantasy 7 - again the Executive Producer was Hinorobu Sakaguchi

我们为最终幻想7工作的时候,我是史克威尔在洛杉矶的游戏制作副总裁。那时的执行制作人也是Hinorobu Sakaguchi。

For the Sims Online, I was Senior Director of Technology for, which supplied the server side technology for The Sims Online, I believe that Will Wright was the Executive Producer

至于模拟人生,我是EA的高级技术总监,为模拟人生提供服务器端的技术支持。我相信Will Wright 是执行制作人。

The Lord of the Rings - YES! I was the Executive Producer

指环王- 是的!我是执行制作人

Each of these games was very different. Parasite Eve was very exciting because was always a big fan of Square, and it was great to create a successful game for them. Parasite Eve is also the first game I Directed that was a big hit - so of course, that was very exciting!



Gray先生:I think that in the future MMORPG will expand it's play styles and plots to include many more types of players - including players of cute and leisure games. We are working on some games right now that will combine many features of MMORPG with more casual types of game play.



Gray先生:Every project I work on I always say that I will work on the music and the sound myself! But then two things happen (1) I find very good musicians and sound designers to work on the project and (2) I don't have time. I think the closest I've ever come to working directly on the music and sound effects was on The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, during which I worked very closely with Don Veca (the Audio Director) on the music for that game.

我参与的每一个项目我都说要为它制作音乐音效。但是我发现两个问题:(1)我发现很多可以为项目工作的优秀音乐人和音效制作人(2)我没有时间。我想最近的一次我直接参与音乐和音效制作的是指环王:双塔奇兵。那段时间我与Don Veca(音响监督)密切合作制作游戏音乐。


Gray先生:I came to work for Ferry because I like the people here very much. The team managers and company management are very smart and very good people. I also came here because I believe that over the next ten years China will be the place where the most changes and most interesting changes happen in the games business. I want to work for a company with a lot of potential like Ferry to help shape that market.



Gray先生:Project X-Fire is what we are calling a MMOTPS. It is a Third Person Shooter with a very strong MMO type game play system. I think it will really excite both MMO players who are looking for a faster action game, as well as TPS players who wish that their games had more long term interest.



Gray先生:I think China's domestic games market will be primarily driven by domestically produced games very soon. The capabilities and enthusiasm of the local developers will be very hard for foriegn companies to compete with over the long run.


China is at a disadvantage selling locally produced games overseas right now because the US and European markets are still dominated by the console games business. Just like many console game producing companies in the west have a very hard time making good on-line games because they don't understand the development process or the players. In the opposite direction, Chinese companies have a very hard time making console games because the production process is very different and the content requirements to launch a console game are so high compared to Chinese on-line games.


However I believe that over time, more and more games will be on-line so this disadvantage will not last much longer. Also more and more Chinese teams are learning to make console games.



Gray先生:First we will expand Ferry's presence as a Chinese developer, publisher and game operator. At the same time we will prepare for our second push of forging stronger international co-development, co-publishing and bi-lateral operating agreements.


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